Darwin Day 2018: “How paramount the future is to the present, when one is surrounded by children”

February 12th is International Darwin Day.

Whether you are a parent, a teacher, or in some other capacity given responsibility over the education or raising of children, there is a lesson to be learned from the naturalist Charles Darwin (February 12, 1809 – April 19, 1882).


From a 2009 issue of Natural History

Darwin was a devoted father, and in certain ways his attachment to his children was uncharacteristic for the Victorian period. Darwin and Emma married in 1842 and had ten children, seven of whom survived into adulthood. His own poor health meant that he did most of his scientific work from his home Down House: reading, observing, experimenting, corresponding, and writing. Thus, his family life and his scientific work intertwined throughout each day, and when his children were sick – which was quite often – his work would be delayed. But he also sought his children’s help, whether physically in experiments or for tossing thoughts back and forth. He included his children in the development of his ideas, and even thought of his children as scientific subjects themselves.

Darwin film Creation (CD with kids)

In the woods with Darwin (Paul Bettany) and some of his children, in a scene from the 2009 film Creation

The lack of original posts on this blog over the last couple of years is due to my raising my own children. As a parent, I appreciate the Darwin that allowed his children to pursue their interests, that introduced his children to nature and scientific subjects, and that sought to understand his own children biologically.


My son as Charles Darwin in 2017. Photo: Sammy Prugsamatz

Darwin biographer and historian James Moore referred to Down House, its grounds, and the “menagerie” of animals there as “a childhood paradise – an adventure playground, summer camp, and petting farm all rolled into one.” Darwin surely saw the value in exposing his children to nature at home and at places nearby, especially Orchis Bank (now “Downe Bank”), the patch of land that inspired the words about “an entangled bank” in his conclusion to On the Origin of Species (1859).


My children exploring at a local natural area in Portland, OR, here looking minuscule among the trees

I strive to both teach my children about evolution and to ensure their childhoods are full of plenty of time in nature. With constant challenges to evolution education in public schools and the always present yet increasing threats to the environment, there is no more important time than now to instill in our children a love for science and reason, and an appreciation for the natural world we depend on as a species. For us, and every living thing we share this planet with. Charles Darwin cared for his own family while learning about and sharing with the rest of the world about his larger family – the tree of life. We should allow our children to climb the tree of life, both metaphorically in learning about evolution and biodiversity, and in the real world through nature play.


My daughter climbing a tree in Portland, OR

In an 1852 letter to his cousin William Darwin Fox, Darwin wrote, reflecting on his duties as a father regarding their educations and whether or not they were to inherit his health problems, “How paramount the future is to the present, when one is surrounded by children.” Our future depends on having citizens that are well-informed in science and that have reasons to vote in favor of the environment. So, let us celebrate Darwin Day – and every day – by taking our kids outside and teaching them about evolution.


On a note card my mother sent me a few years ago


Darwin Correspondence Project: Darwin and Fatherhood

Darwin Correspondence Project: Darwin’s observations on his children

Jim Endersby: “Sympathetic science: Charles Darwin, Joseph Hooker, and the passions of Victorian naturalists,” in the journal Victorian Studies. Endersby discusses Darwin’s role as a father in relation to his botanical work.

Tim Berra: Darwin and His Children: His Other Legacy, from Oxford University Press (Amazon); “Ten facts about Charles Darwin’s ten children.”

James T. Costa: Darwin’s Backyard: How Small Experiments Led to a Big Theory, from W.W. Norton (Amazon). This book recounts Darwin’s many experiments and shows how involved his children were; also, each chapter includes activity instructions for educators.

Carolyn J. Boulter, Michael J. Reiss, and Dawn L. Sanders (eds.): Darwin-Inspired Learning, from Sense Publishers (Amazon). For educators. Particularly the seventh chapter by James Moore, “Getting the Kids Involved – Darwin’s Paternal Example.”

The Bug Chicks blog: a guest post I wrote a few years back about Darwin, nature education, and parenting.

Jonathan Tweet: Grandmother Fish (Amazon). Fantastic book introducing preschool-aged kids to evolution

Kristan Lawson: Darwin and Evolution for Kids: His Life and Ideas with 21 Activities, from Chicago Review Press (Amazon)

Deborah Hopkinson: The Humbleebee Hunter: Inspired by the Life and Experiments of Charles Darwin and His Children, from Hyperion (Amazon). One of my personal favorite books about Darwin, or in this case, his children. My post about this book from 2012 is here.


Art by Jen Corace from Deborah Hopkinson’s The Humblebee Hunter




Darwin Day lecture in Portland

I hope to be able to attend this OMSI Science Pub lecture on February 16th:

Why Was Darwin on the HMS Beagle? The History of Evolution as World History
with Richard H. Beyler, PhD, Professor of History at Portland State University​

February 16, 7pm
Located at: Empirical Theater at OMSI
Doors Open @ 5PM | $5 Suggested Donation

HMS Beagle is famous today as the ship on which Charles Darwin sailed around the world in the years 1831 to 1836. This voyage sparked many of the ideas that led to his theory of evolution though natural selection. Yet the voyage of this British navy vessel was not planned in order to ferry this young naturalist across the oceans: his presence on board was almost a coincidence. This presentation is about how the story of Darwin’s early development as a naturalist intersects with the history of international politics, naval strategy, imperial expansion, global trade, and anti-slavery activism.

Richard Beyler is a professor of history at Portland State University, where he teaches history of science and intellectual history.

Dinner will be available in our restaurant, Theory, or from the Empirical Café. Guests can check-in at the theater entrance to reserve a seat before grabbing dinner and drinks. Food and drink are welcome in the theater. Parking is free for the event. Doors open at 5pm.

Darwin Day 2015 is approaching; Darwin lecture in Portland

It’s that time again, when fans of Darwin, science, and reason celebrate Darwin’s birth on February 12th. This year marks the 206th anniversary of his birth.

The Darwin Day website from the American Humanist Association has been revamped, and of course is the place to check for any events planned for your area:


Another way to find events in your area is to check with the biology or history departments at local universities as well as science centers or natural history museums, and to inquire with any humanist or freethought groups.

And like the Darwin Day Facebook page!

Here in Portland, I hope to attend this lecture on January 26, put on by the local chapter of the FFRF: Darwin’s Dice: The Idea of Chance in the Thought of Charles Darwin. It is open to the public!

Darwin Day 2014 in Portland, OR

Darwin Day is fast approaching – just under three weeks until February 12, 2014. You can see on the Darwin Day website if there are to be any events in your area.

I see nothing listed yet for Oregon, but I know of a few things (let me know of any others!):

CANCELED DUE TO BAD WEATHER IN PORTLAND February 9, 10am – Humanists of Greater Portland: Darwin’s Birthday Potluck

Laurent Beauregard will give a short presentation about Darwin and his work. This will be followed by time for socializing and food. (this is through a Meetup group)

February 12, 7:30-9pm – PSU’s Biology Investigation & Outreach Presents Darwin Day Lecture With Dr. Patricia Brennan

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Patricia Brennan will be joining us to present a talk about the importance of basic science research. Slate.com recently published an article by Dr. Brennan wherein she explained how her research, focused on the evolution of waterfowl genetalia is important for understanding a whole range of evolutionary questions. Please join us for cake and coffee immediately following the lecture.

February 20, 6:30pm – Secular Humanists of East Portland: Origin of Species: Movie and Discussion Night – Pot Luck

The richness and diversity of life raises two of the most profound questions in biology: How do new species form? And, why are there so many species? Our planet has millions of species, including thousands of mammals, fish, birds, and reptiles, and even more butterflies, beetles, and other animals, each adapted to one of an enormous variety of habitats. The Origin of Species series tells the stories of the intrepid naturalists who have traveled the world, from the famed Galápagos Islands to the Malay Archipelago, in search of evidence and answers. This three part presentation is an hour total, so there will be plenty of time to socialize and for discussion. Uniquely, this documentary shows the contributions of Darwin and Wallace almost equally. Also, parts II and III are only about 15 min. long each and present how biologists have demonstrated natural selection and evolution (the change in gene frequency in a population) in the field with Darwin’s finches and anole lizards, thus showing how we know natural selection and evolution are true. You’ll learn some new biology in a short, very understandable format like you were enrolled in a university biology graduate program! Join us for a time of sharing, the movie, discussion to follow, friendship and sharing food. (this is through a Meetup group)

The University of Oregon Museum of Natural and Cultural History in Eugene is also holding some Darwin Day talks:

Darwin Day 2013 in Portland, February 12

I’m aware of at least two things going on in Portland for Darwin Day on February 12th.

The Center for Inquiry-Portland will be hanging out between between the Smith and Neuberger buildings on the Portland State University campus from noon to 3:30, passing out cake and talking to people about evolution (last year and 2011 it was at Pioneer Square).


Massimo Pigliucci of the City University of New York will give a Darwin Day talk on the interaction between philosophy and science at 7:00 pm, in SB1 107 (see below for update on location) on the campus of Portland State University. Details on the Meetup page here.

Support the 2013 Darwin Day Resolution

Happy Darwin Day!

Happy Darwin Day!

Apologies that this here blog of mine has been less and less utilized by myself as of late. Patrick and I attended CFI-Portland’s Secular Sunday School today, and while the lesson was about Valentine’s Day, I got in a bit about Darwin at the end. Talked to 20 kids or so about Darwin Day, read The Humblebee Hunter (hands down by favorite children’s book about Darwin), and passed out Darwin coloring pages. Next class later this month will be all about evolution!

We then headed to Pioneer Square in downtown Portland to, like we did last year, hand out birthday cake for passersby for Darwin Day! Thanks to CFI-Portland and Humanists of Greater Portland for setting this up. Lots of nice folks and the weather cooperated, so we had a great time. Also, played Evolve or Perish, a fun version of Chutes & Ladders, evolution-style!

Thanks Sarah for the photo!

More photos from this Darwin Day event here. I’ll leave you with these videos:

More Darwin/evolution related events in Portland area

In addition to the Darwin Day party in Pioneer Square on February 12th, here are a few more events that may be of interest to folks in the Portland area:

“How do Muslims view science and evolution?”
by Salman Hameed
Admission free
Friday, February 10, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Templeton Campus Center – Council Chambers
Lewis & Clark College

James Randi lecture
Admission: $10 (Friends of CFI-Portland free)
Thursday, February 16, 2012, 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
First Unitarian Church
1011 Southwest 13th Avenue, Portland, OR
Friends of the Center: FREE with VIP seating

“Food for Thought” Lecture: Why did the fish leave the water?
Devonian environments of the fish-amphibian evolutionary transition
by Greg Retallack, PhD
Admission $5 (Friends of CFI-Portland free)
Friday, February 17, 2012, 6:30 PM -7:40 PM
Brentwood-Darlington Community Center
7211 SE 62nd Ave., Portland, OR

Lecture: And God said, “Let there be evolution!”
by Charles Wynn
Free and open to the public
Saturday, February 18, 2012, 7:00 PM
Portland State University – Science Building 1
1025 SW Mill Street, Portland, OR


I’ve had a Darwin fish or two removed from cars in the past. My mom once was questioned by a Bible-wielding Christian at her door, when I lived at home, why she would allow someone who accepts evolution to live in her house. I’ve been de-friended on Facebook by longtime friends and acquaintaneces because of my views, both pro-evolution and anti-creationism.

Maybe this image sums me up well:

It’s drawn by Ainsley Seago (blog), a beetle biologist who has done other wonderful illustrations for past Darwin Days:

An Inordinate Fondness #13

Ready for some beetle blogging? February is an appropriate month for The Dispersal of Darwin to host An Inordinate Fondness, for each February supporters of science and reason celebrate the birth of Charles Darwin (1809-1882) on the 12th. This year, he turned 202. Learn more about Darwin Day, and become a Friend of Charles Darwin, too. I specifically requested posts for AIF relating to Darwin and beetles or other figures in the history of science who worked on beetles. While that call for specific posts was largely unanswered, there are plenty of beetles on blogs to enjoy, and I’ll share some Darwin-related images from Flickr!

Competitive Beetle Collecting

From the exhibit Since Darwin: The Evolution of Evolution at the Smithsonian Natural History Museum

Dave Hubble’s ecology spot – Rhinoceros Beetles in Britain? Well, yes and no…: “Last night, over a vodka or two, a Russian friend of mine asked me whether we had Rhinoceros Beetles in Britain – we got there after chatting about how his small daughter was interested in bugs. My answer was along the lines of ‘no, but…’ and shows how the use of non-scientific (vernacular) names can be problematic i.e. it all depends what you mean by ‘rhinoceros beetle’.”

The Dispersal of Darwin – “Captured by C. Darwin, Esq”: “Darwin worked tirelessly in his home outside of London. Down House became a “country house” laboratory for his scientific endeavors, and he utilized many areas of the house and its grounds for his experiments. Yet while he worked away on his ‘one long argument,’ all he really wanted to do was get outside. To the entomologist John Lubbock, also Darwin’s neighbor, he wrote in 1854: ‘I do not know whether you care about Beetles, but for the chance I send this in a Bottle, which, I never remember having seen, though it is excessively rash to speak from a 26 year old remembrance. Whenever we meet you can tell me whether you know it.— … I feel like an old war-horse at the sound of the trumpet, when I read about the capturing of rare beetles— is not this a magnanimous simile for a decayed entomologist. It really almost makes me long to begin collecting again.'”

MObugs – Darkling Beetle: “Darkling beetles in the family Carabidae Tenebrionidaeare ( Thanks Ted for catching my faux pas) one of the most common beetles in the pet trade. These larger beetles are called Zophobas morio and the larvae are called Superworms. They are native to Central and South America, but made their way into the United States because of their large size and easy to rear nature.”


Old book plus beetle specimen

Beetles in the Bush – Featured Guest Photo – Dromica kolbei: “Although I have not collected this genus myself, I recognized it instantly as a member of such based on specimens and images I have seen. Carabidae of the World contains fine images of a number of species in this genus, of which Dromica kolbei (W. Horn, 1897) seems to be a pretty good match. However, more than 170 species are currently included in the genus, and while a modern revision is in progress (Schüle and Werner 2001; Schüle 2004, 2007), the bulk of the genus still remains to be treated. As a result, this really should be considered as just a provisional ID.”

Beetles in the Bush – Recent literature – The Coleopterists Bulletin: “I returned to the office this week after spending two weeks in Brazil to find the December 2010 of The Coleopterists Bulletin in my inbox. I don’t think there is another journal that I look forward to more eagerly than this one (with the possible exception of CICINDELA) – with each issue, I know that regardless of whether it contains any papers in my priority groups of interest (jewel beetles, longhorned beetles, and tiger beetles), it will nevertheless contain well-written articles presenting results of high-quality research on nothing but beetles – pure elytral ecstasy!”

Young Darwin Statue by Anthony Smith, Christ's College, University of Cambridge

I love this beetle adorning part of a statue of a young Darwin in Cambridge, England

Beetles in the Bush – Brazil Bugs #3 – Gorgulho Enorme!: “The second night at the hotel on the outskirts of Campinas (São Paulo, Brazil), I found this enormous weevil laying on the ground underneath some windows. It was dead but completely relaxed and in perfect shape. I wondered if it had been attracted to lights in the window the previous evening and flown there as its “last hurrah.” This beast of a weevil – measuring a good 30mm from the tip of the snout to the apex of the elytra – immediately brought to my mind giant palm weevils of the genus Rhynchophorus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae).”

MYRMECOS – Friday Beetle Blogging: Army Ant Associates: “Last year army ant guru Carl Rettenmeyer posthumously published a paper documenting the tremendous diversity of animals associated with Eciton burchellii. Over 500, in fact. Eciton burchellii has a larger known entourage than any other species of animal. Although Eciton‘s associates are the best documented, all army ant species have them. Ant colonies represent a tremendous concentration of resources, and animals that have figured out how to subvert the ants’ communication systems gain access to rich stores of food.”

Skepchick – Shellac: it’s a bug AND a feature!: “For some reason, both Cochineal and Lac scales are often reported as beetles. I’ve seen this mistake made on the Straight Dope, among other places. Scale insects don’t undergo complete metamorphosis as a beetle would, so they don’t have larvae and pupae. In fact, scales have their own special freaky system of growth and reproduction in which the females loose their legs and turn into a sort of tiny insect Jabba the Hutt, and even tinier males fertilize them and die.”

Beetle activity (play God!) (at APS' Dialogues with Darwin exhibit)

Beetle activity at the American Philosophical Society’s exhibit Dialogues with Darwin in Philadelphia

MYRMECOS – Friday Beetle Blogging: Agra: “Agra is a tree-dwelling predator found from Texas south to Argentina. It belongs to the family Carabidae, the ground beetles, which is unfortunate as most Agra are canopy species found nowhere near the ground… I photographed this handsome specimen at the Maquipucuna cloud forest reserve on Ecuador’s western Andean slopes.”

Ecotrope – How bark beetles are pitting the U.S. vs. Canada: “The bark-eating beetles have been ravaging forests in British Columbia – with tens of millions of forestland acres laid to waste. Scientists worry that global warming will continue to fuel beetle outbreaks by keeping winter temperatures just high enough to allow the beetles to survive the winter and reproduce, where in the past severe cold would have killed them off. At issue is how the BC government and timber industry have handled the damaged trees – and the not-so damaged ones – on public lands.” (See a related video from Oregon Public Broadcasting.)

LabSpaces – 2 new species of ‘leaping’ beetles discovered: “Only five species of these so-called ‘flea’ beetles, out of a global total of 60, had been found to date in New Caledonia, in the western Pacific. A three-year study has now enabled Spanish researchers to discover two new herbivorous beetles – Arsipoda geographica and Arsipoda rostrata. These new beetles hold a secret – they feed on plants that the scientists have still not found on the archipelago.”

Charles Darwin's beetles collection

Darwin beetles at the zoology museum in Cambridge, England

Catalogue of Organisms – Ground Beetles for Today: “The subject of today’s post is a group of ground beetles (Carabidae) that has been treated in the past as the subfamily Zuphiinae, but seems to now be more commonly treated as a supertribe Zuphiitae within the Harpalinae. Whatever their appropriate formal name, the zuphiites are distinguished by a relatively long and thick scape (the first major segment of the antennae) and spination on the first stylomere of the female’s ovipositor; the clade is also supported by molecular data.”

Kele’s Science Blog – Solving the “adaptive recursion” in Jamaican click beetles (I) & The genetics and phenotypes of the Jamaican click beetle (Adaptive Recursion II): “In my last post I started a new short series on some biologists’ attempts to solve what they call an “adaptive recursion” or in other words, to know the full story of a trait from the bottom level of the gene to the top levels of ecology and differential fitness. Ecological descriptions frequently become “just-so stories” – claims of adaptations and how they arose but with little evidence. All levels of detail should be known before any such arguments can be proclaimed and this is exactly what Uwe Stolz, Jeffrey Feder, and Sebastian Velez, and others are attempting to do with the bioluminescence of Jamaican click beetles.”

Beetles in the Bush – Calm waters, frenzied beetles: “Lazy waters are the domain of whirligig beetles (family Gyrinidae). We encountered this ‘raft’ of beetles in a sheltered pool near the shore of the North Fork River while hiking the Ozark Trail last October. These frenzied little beetles live almost exclusively on the surface of the water, where they feed on organisms or scavenge debris in their famously and erratically conspicuous aggregations. Such behavior might make them seem vulnerable to predation, but in actuality the reverse is true. Beetles in rafts benefit from the increased number of eyes that can better scan the environment for potential threats than can individual beetles (Vulinec and Miller 1989), and the larger the raft the more efficiently this occurs.”

Young darwin's beetle collection

Page from The Curious Mind of Young Darwin (see: http://bit.ly/gqKur9)

Beetles in the Bush – Diversity in Tiger Beetle Larval Burrows: “To the uninitiated, tiger beetle burrows might seem nothing more than a simple hole in the ground – anything could have made it. However, with experience one becomes able to distinguish tiger beetle larval burrows almost instantly from burrows made by other ground-burrowing organisms. The most common type of burrow is recognized by a combination of characters – almost perfectly circular except for a slight flattening on one side that gives the burrow a faint D-shape, and with the edge smoothly beveled. This is your classic tiger beetle burrow and, for most U.S. species of Cicindela and related genera, averages ~5-6mm in diameter for 3rd instar larvae (tiger beetle burrows are most often observed at 3rd instar, since it is this final instar in which the larva spends the majority of its time and the burrow becomes most noticable).”

LabSpaces – Ginger is key ingredient in recipe for conserving stag beetles: “The humble ginger root could be the key to conserving the UK’s largest and most spectacular terrestrial beetle – the stag beetle. Ecologists from Royal Holloway, University of London and the University of York have developed a series of new methods to monitor stag beetle numbers – including ginger lures to trap adult beetles and tiny microphones to detect sounds made by the larvae in their underground nests. Conservation efforts have been hampered until now because ecologists lacked a reliable way of monitoring stag beetle numbers.”

Beetles in the Bush – “All the better to see you with, my dear!”: “Cicindela formosa (the big sand tiger beetle) is a not uncommon species that occurs across much of North America east of the Rocky Mountains in deep, dry, open sand habitats. It is absent in Appalachia and much of the Interior Highlands, understandable given the rarity of deep sand habitats on these elevated landforms; however, its absence across much of the southeastern coastal plain as well as south and west Texas, despite the widespread presence of apparently suitable habitat, is not easily explained.”

descent of man

Page from Darwin’s 1871 The Descent of Man (see: http://bit.ly/ehg3qE)

Bug Eric –Merchant Grain Beetle: “Even entomologists are not immune to pest insects in their homes. We are just a little more fascinated than we are revolted. So, when I found a tiny beetle crawling on the bathroom counter of my Tucson apartment on October 20, 2010, I naturally wanted to know more about it. I thought I had a good idea of its identity, but I was wrong about the species.”

Fall to Climb – Forgotten Photo Friday: Otiorhynchus ligustici – Alfalfa Snout Beetle: “Native to Europe, accidentally introduced to North America in the late 1800′s, declared a pest in New York in 1933, and spread to to Canada in the mid 60′s. It has only been detected in a few towns in eastern Ontario. It is supremely pesty to alfalfa plants everywhere. But, although it is pesty, it is a VERY BIG AND AWESOMELY SCALY BEETLE! And, since it is a Curculionid, it looks like Gonzo. They all do. So I love it, just a little bit.”

What’s Bugging You? – A Rare Beetle New to Virginia: “My insect survey at the VCU Rice Center continues to reveal species that are rarely collected and/or newly recorded for the Commonwealth of Virginia. While sorting through dozens of trap samples containing thousands of insects, I recently discovered three specimens of a rarely collected false click beetle (Eucnemidae), Xylophilus crassicornis. This collection represents the first records for the genus and species in Virginia.”

Cambridge 800 years - Darwin hunting beetles

Display for University of Cambridge’s 800th anniversary

cicindela – Ellipsoptera marginata: “One of the rather unique tiger beetles occurring in Virginia is Ellipsoptera marginata. I photographed this species back in late June of 2009 at Bethel Beach Natural Area Preserve where I was assisting in a survey for Habroscelimorpha dorsalis dorsalis.”

The Atavism – Sunday Spinelessness – Vanuatu scarab beetles: “As promised, it’s time to add a few tropical invertebrates to the mix of more temperate bugs I usually talk about here. Let’s start by redressing a bit of an imbalance in these Sunday Spinelessness posts. Up until now I’ve only written two posts about beetles, which something of an under-representation since about a quarter of all described species are beetles. I see plenty of beetles around our garden and in my travels around Dunedin, but few of them are large enough, or sufficiently cooperative, for me to get decent photographs. I had no such problem in Vanuatu.”

The Atavism – Sunday Spinelessness – Hadda beetle: “Time for another tropical beetle from Vanuatu, and what could be more charming than a ladybird? Or its absurdy spikey larvae?”

New Charles Darwin exhibit--my favorite part

Display at the natural history museum at the University of Kansas, Lawrence

Nature Closeups – Colorful Snout Beetle: “I really love the colors on this snout beetle. Check out the detail. The image is not quite as sharp as I’d like, but just look at all those little colorful scales.” & Reddish Tortoise Beetles: “There were quite a few of these reddish tortoise beetles feeding on this banana plant.” & Mating Snout Beetles: “These beetles are tiny. Each one is only a few millimeters long.”

Dave Hubble’s ecology spot – Cretaceous Crato creature!: “Last year, I was mooching around some fossil sites online and found some insects for sale. They were from an old collection and had originally been collected from the Crato Formation in Brazil. Many interesting specimens had already been sold, but among those remaining was a rather nice little beetle (according to the seller) around 12.5mm long excluding appendages. Such items are popular with collectors (including plenty with more money than me), but this one had been broken in half and neatly glued. So, still complete, but less popular with collectors and hence more affordable. Result! I bought it…”

The Sam Wells Bug Page – Phloeodes diabolicus: “Ironclad beetles are the tanks of the insect world. They are famous (or infamous) for walking away after being stepped on. There are even reports of species being run over by cars without apparent harm. To an entomologist, they are notorious for the challenge of getting an insect pin through their thick skin (cuticle). What usually happens is the first attempt bends the pin. The second attempt bruises the thumb and forefinger to the bone. And then with a combination of anger and grit (and with two hands gripping the shaft) the pin is forced through the reinforced exoskeleton. With luck it has gone through straight and without popping the legs off on the other side. Very often it doesn’t – as verified by any number of oddly pinned specimens stuck to the bottom of unit trays in the museums of the world.”

Young Charles Darwin, Darwin Exhibition @ Gulbenkian

Young Darwin observes a beetle on his hand at the Museu Calouste Gulbenkian in Lisbon, Portugal

cicindela – Tetracha virginica: “This toothy specimen is Tetracha virginica, a fairly large species (16-25mm), widespread in the eastern United States. This species is a deep oily metallic green; largely active at night when it nimbly forages for prey and is often attracted to lights. During the day it can be found taking shelter under miscellaneous ground cover.”

And finally, for any biologists or naturalists out there who go in the field to collect beetles, take note. Here’s a list of naturalists (Wall of the Dead) who have lost their lives while investigating nature. Of particular interest:

Bečvář, Stanislav (1938-1997), Czech entomologist, shot dead, age 59, by soldiers in Laos while collecting beetles. Here’s a detailed account of the incident. His son of the same name, also an entomologist, was seriously wounded in the attack but survived and continues to do field work.

Brodsky, Otakar (19??- 1986), Czech coleopterist, died of a heart attack, age unknown, while collecting Cleridae beetles in a rainforest in Vietnam. He was reportedly seated under a tree with his collecting equipment in his hands, and his colleagues didn’t immediately realize he was dead.

And there you have it, the 13th edition of An Inordinate Fondness. The next edition of AIF will be hosted at Wandering Weeta some time mid-March. Send your submissions directly to the host there (email), or through the submission form.

Darwin Day 2011 Pictures

Besides a few lectures, the only Darwin Day event in Portland I knew of was a birthday party at Pioneer Square in downtown Portland, put on by Center for Inquiry Portland and the Humanists of Greater Portland. Volunteers, including myself, handed out cake to folks walking through the square. Some simply wanted cake, others were more interested in what the celebration was all about (so we told them!), and even others still already knew whose birthday it was and shared in the excitement. For the two hours I was there, the only negative reaction I recall was one woman who, on being told whose birthday it was, gave a face of absolute disgust and walked off.

Some photos:

Darwin Day Party at Pioneer Square, Portland, OR

Darwin Day Party at Pioneer Square, Portland, OR

Darwin Day Party at Pioneer Square, Portland, OR

Darwin Day Party at Pioneer Square, Portland, OR

Darwin Day Party at Pioneer Square, Portland, OR

Darwin Day Party at Pioneer Square, Portland, OR

Darwin Day Party at Pioneer Square, Portland, OR

A dino for Darwin

Darwin Day Party at Pioneer Square, Portland, OR

The middle cake says "Congrats Egypt"

Darwin Day Party at Pioneer Square, Portland, OR

Mr. Squid Hat

Darwin Day Party at Pioneer Square, Portland, OR

Darwin Day Party at Pioneer Square, Portland, OR

Darwin Day Party at Pioneer Square, Portland, OR

The birthday man

Darwin Day Party at Pioneer Square, Portland, OR

What is humanism?

Darwin Day Party at Pioneer Square, Portland, OR

Darwin Day Party at Pioneer Square, Portland, OR

Darwin Day Party at Pioneer Square, Portland, OR

I think these two were biology students; so very enthusiastic about the event, and had ther picture taken in front of the sign

Darwin Day Party at Pioneer Square, Portland, OR

Anne and Dani (neat shirt)

Darwin Day Party at Pioneer Square, Portland, OR

As our event closed, a rally for Egypt was about to begin in the square

CFI does Darwin Day in Portland

Chuck and Darwinsbulldog, courtesy David Orr (http://chasmosaurs.blogspot.com/)

There will be a party on the evening of February 12th to honor CFI Portland‘s volunteers:

In our January newsletter, I outlined many of the things that CFI can be proud of. The people who make this success possible are our volunteers, and it is time we threw them a party to say thank you.

So the whole community is invited to join us at Ringler’s pub to meet the people who are creating all those programs. Our volunteers will receive a small ticket for food and/or beverage consumption, and be acknolwedged by our MCs. We’re working on some Darwin Day entertainment, as well.

I’ve also just been informed that CFI and the Humanists of Greater Portland will be present at Pioneer Square in downtown from about 11-2 with a Darwin look-a-like, handing out birthday cake. Ugh, I work then, maybe I can swap a shift with someone.

2009 Stamps in Honor of Darwin

The Darwin bicentennial brings new Darwin stamps from several countries.




The UK stamps can also be had as a Beagle Project first day cover. Richard Carter, FCD is truly a friend, for he sent me the UK stamps. See Royal Mail, here, and here.



See here.





See herehere, and here.




See here.



See here.

The blog Rainbow Stamp Club has posted much on Darwin stamps, including past stamps… And thanks to George Beccaloni for information as well.

Please let me know if you know of any other 2009 Darwin stamps, and I’ll add them here.

Post Darwin Day Clean Out (of my inbox that is)

Darwin events at San Diego State University and University of California, San Diego. The San Diego Natural History Museum will be hosting the Darwin exhibition from November 7, 2009 to February 28, 2010.

George Beccaloni writes about the approaching 150th anniversary of Wallace’s Line.

Karen James of The HMS Beagle Project wrote as if she was Emma Darwin for the UK Resource Centre for Women in Science, Engineering and Technology. Read it here.

Obama poster-like Darwin merchandise from Mike Rosulek.

Latest edition of the online graduate student history of science journal Spontaneous Generations is available, and includes an article titled “Is it Time for an Updated ‘Eco-Evo-Devo’ Definition of Evolution by Natural Selection?”

From Nature, a review of Barry Werth’s Banquet at Delmonico’s: Great Minds, the Gilded Age, and the Triumph of Evolution in America.

Some Darwin jewelry from Surly-Ramicsphotos on Flickr.

Did anyone participate in the Center for Inquiry’s Darwin Aloud project

CBC Radio’s program about Darwin, listen to it here.

What does Darwin mean to Kenneth Miller? (video)

Darwin content from the February 12th issue of Nature.

Rachel Maddow’s piece on Darwin Day (video):

Adam Gopnik was on Charlie Rose discussing his new book on Darwin and Lincoln. Watch it here. (another interview here)

Collecting the Evolution Debate from AbeBooks.com.

Here is a video of historian of science Janet Browne’s lecture last fall on Darwin’s finances and personal habits. PZ blogged it here.

Historian of science Mark Borello discussed Darwin for Minnesota Public Radio.

Discussion boards on the Internet Movie Database for Creation

Darwin Day articles from Humanist Network News: Eat a Bug for DarwinNatural (?) Selection, and Parenting Beyond Belief: Evolution for Breakfast.

Darwin 200 from SEED magazine, Darwin content from Scientific American, The New York Times has a Darwin page, and Darwin content from Discover magazine.

The Daily Show’s Best Evolution Moments.

The National Science Foundation has a report/interactive, Evolution of Evolution.

Scientific Blogging’s Darwin Day 2009 (2008 here).

Some folks have created Beagle models, here and here, and the ultimate model here.

Cosmos magazine on Darwin, from Genomicron.

An excerpt from Iain McCalman’s forthcoming Darwin’s Armada: How four voyagers to Australasia won the battle for evolution and changed the world.

Darwin Day 2009 photosets: Penn Museum, Charlie’s Playhouse, University of Arizona, Shrewsbury Festival, Kennedy Library in San Luis Obispo, CA, theta sigma, Charlie D and His Natural Selections

Anyone been to The Evolution Store in New York? Looks spendy…

One Way to Celebrate Darwin Day & Support Evolution Education

Jonathan Eisen posted 10 simple ways to honor Charlie D (aka Darwin) a few days before this past Darwin Day:

  1. Read one of his books OTHER than Origin of Species (see Darwin online for some there). My favorite is the Voyage of the Beagle but there are many others.
  2. Stop using the terms Darwinism and Darwinian evolution (seeSafina for more on this – I thought this article was a bit of overkill but still has some important points).
  3. Vote against anyone who says Intelligent Design should be taught in science class or that you should “teach the controversy.” Or at least endorse right thinking candidates.
  4. Contribute to evolution education in some way – teaching, writing a book, releasing teaching materials, donate to a museum (e.g., California Academy) or other organization (e.g., NCSE) or even the cool HMS Beagle Project. Just help educate the world about the science of evolution.
  5. Attend some Darwin Day celebration(s).
  6. Get a cool evolution tattoo (see Zimmer for more) or display your support in some outward way.
  7. Support the National Science Foundation (if you are in the US) as they are the strongest supporters of Evolution related research.
  8. Name your kid or pet or boat or city after him.
  9. Visit the Galapagos or at least check out the Darwin Station online.(see pics below …)
  10. Insert your own here …..

I will add to no. 4 that one could donate Darwin/evolution materials to their local public libraries. This past weekend, I visited Anaconda, MT (about 1.5 hours west of Bozeman), a small town that use to be home to the Anaconda Copper Mining Company. When looking around the public library (my wife attended a library conference there), several DVDs of the already small DVD collection stood out: The Case for a Creator, The Case for Christ, Discovering the Mystery of Life, and The Priviliged Planet:

Creationist/antievolution DVDs at a small town library

Creationist/antievolution DVDs at a small town library

In their catalog, I noticed that the Hearst Free Library also has Expelled. Any pro-evolution DVDs? No. They do have the Planet Earth series, however, and that was at the time checked out. I suspect that the pro-creationism/intelligent design DVDs may have been donated. All is fine. Public libraries should not censor materials. It does not upset me that a public library has those materials for people to check out – because people check out the materials on their own. But a library should also have materials offering a pro-evolution stance. I was saddened to see the several DVDs on the shelf and none in support of evolution. So, on Darwin Day (or any day of the year!) why not show your support for science education and donate pro-evolution books or DVDs to your local libraries, especially if it is a library that has difficulty expanding their collection…

As an aside, I was also struck by a portrait on the wall of the Hearst Free Library. The library building is over a century old, and is decorated with all kinds of paintings on its walls and display cases of rocks and shells, etc. But I thought it humorous when I saw a portrait of naturalist and antievolutionist Louis Agassiz:

Potrait of naturalist and antievolutionist Louis Agassiz

Louis Agassiz